Assisted Living Can Help A Senior’s Social Well-Being

Socializing keeps people young at heart, boosts feelings of well-being, and maintains mental sharpness. As your loved one’s age, have you taken time to consider the continued importance of socialization and changing health needs in their care?

The need for company, love, and support is not something that diminishes as we grow older. As many studies suggest, senior adults who are active and engaged socially often extend their lives and their enjoyment of life by years. Here are four reasons why you should maintain an active social life as you age.

  • Reduce your depression risk. As you age, maintaining an active social life can help ward off the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can lead to depression.
  • Benefit cognitive function. Better cognitive health might be as simple as having regular conversations with friends or joining an activity group.
  • Reduce stress and lower blood pressure. By relaxing with your friends, you can improve your overall health outlook. Being around people you enjoy helps to lower stress, which can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of a cardiovascular event.
  • Improve your physical fitness. Social activity tends to get you up, moving, and out of the house. This helps to keep your body stronger and more physically capable as you age.

Maintaining an active social life can be a challenge, but the benefits make the effort well worth it. An assisted living community can help with a senior’s social well-being as he or she continues into the later stages of life.

Assisted living is the fastest growing form of senior living today and one of the best options for addressing older adult’s socialization needs.

Seniors can enjoy social contact, security, 24-hour access to personal care, and nutrition and wellness services, while still maintaining their independence. One of the most valuable benefits of assisted living over living alone is the number of daily socialization opportunities and the sense of “community” they provide.

In addition to being among individuals who often share similar interests and experiences, assisted living residents enjoy a warm and friendly atmosphere and are encouraged to take advantage of a variety of social events that are created to educate, inspire, and entertain them. There are planned activities and outings, such as cultural events and field trips. Daily living in common areas also offers fun and socialization for seniors.

One of the biggest misconceptions about assisted living is that they are dreary hospital-like places where residents do nothing. Today’s modern assisted living facilities are just the opposite. Many have wellness centers, swimming pools, beauty parlors, restaurant-style dining, and other amenities that make it feel more like resort living. Residents can enjoy arts and crafts classes, music, swimming and water aerobics, pizza parties, ice cream socials, movie nights, cards, board games and game nights, dances, and book clubs.

No matter what your care plan is for your senior, socialization must be a part of it. You’ll be taking an important step towards keeping your loved one happy and at their highest level of functioning for as long as possible.

Assisted Living Locators of Long Island is your partner in finding the right senior living option. Contact us to learn more.